
Agricultural land for sale, Via Castelvolturno, Mondragone

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Agricultural land

55,000 €


GIOIA IMMOBILIARE cura la vendita in Mondragone a pochi passi da Via Castelvoturno di un terreno di natura agricolo pari a 8435MQ – servito da pozzo – libero con disponibilità immediata Euro 65mila.

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Main information


Agricultural land


8,435 m2 

Expenses and land registry




55,000 €

Price for sqm

7 €/m2

Property location


  • 835m Scuole
  • 200m  MD Discount

Zones data


Mondragone (CE) -


Average price of residential properties in Zone

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{{ trendPricesByPlace.minPrice }} €/m2

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{{ trendPricesByPlace.maxPrice }} €/m2

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