490,000   600,000 - 18.3%

Building land for sale, Via Segantini Sn, Cavalese

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Building land

490,000 €


Cavalese, Val di Fiemme, Trentino, Dolomiti : collocato in un ambito urbanistico destinato ad insediamenti di edilizia mista, facilmente accessibile, ben esposto e panoramico, regolare lotto di terreno da sfruttare a fini residenziali di prima abitazione. – soggetto a piano di lottizzazione -

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Main information


Building land


1,414 m2 


Good conditions

Expenses and land registry




490,000 €

Price for sqm

347 €/m2

Property location


  • 658m Scuole Medie Giovanni Segantini
  • 201m
     Piazza Partigiani
  • 583m
     Hotel Garden
  • 426m  Conad
  • 617m  Eder
  • 728m  Despar
  • 944m  Supermercato Coop
  • 949m  Eurospin
  • 574m Parafarmacia
  • 717m Farmacia
  • 541m Ospedale di Fiemme
  • 562m Pronto Soccorso Ospedale di Fiemme
  • 705m Poste Italiane
  • 394m Banco Popolare
  • 524m Cassa Rurale
  • 524m Cassa Rurale Val di Fiemme
  • 536m Banca di Trento e Bolzano
  • 541m Banca Intesa
  • 513m Ladestation Parkhotel Bellacosta
  • 548m Evway Hotel Azalea
  • 826m Daiano Coltura | Neogy
  • 861m Ladestation Hotel San Valier
  • 911m Cavalese Pizzegoda | Neogy

Zones data


Cavalese (TN) -


Average price of residential properties in Zone

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The data shows the positioning of the property compared to the average prices in the area

The data shows the interest of users in the property compared to others in the area

Zones medium price Zones interest


Very low Low Medium High Very high

Minimum price

{{ trendPricesByPlace.minPrice }} €/m2

Very low
Maximum price

{{ trendPricesByPlace.maxPrice }} €/m2

Very high
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Insertion reference

Internal ref.


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Date of advertisement


Ref. Property

cod. rif6038973

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