
Detached house for sale, Via Cimarosa 30, Aversa

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Detached house

450,000 €


Aversa - Via Cimarosa /Piazza P. Amedeo - stabile semi indipendente da ristrutturare composto da 2 appartamenti al primo piano e 2 al secondo oltre locali terranei interni al cortile e su strada.

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Main information


Detached house


Good conditions

Expenses and land registry




450,000 €

Other characteristics

Open kitchen
Air conditioning 


Building status

In very good condition

Property location


  • 259m Liceo Artistico Statale L. Giordano
  • 405m Liceo Ginnasio Domenico Cirillo
  • 442m Liceo Statale N. Jommelli
  • 464m Scuola Primaria Statale - II Circolo Didattico
  • 559m Scuola Media Statale Giovanni Pascoli
  • 723m
     Aversa Centro
  • 497m  La Maddalena
  • 928m  Markant
  • 227m Farmacia
  • 754m Farmacia Dei Platani
  • 521m Poste Italiane
  • 263m Banche
  • 275m BPER
  • 319m UBI Banca
  • 910m Fineco
  • 975m Detusche Bank Easy

Zones data


Aversa (CE) -


Average price of residential properties in Zone

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Minimum price

{{ trendPricesByPlace.minPrice }} €/m2

Very low
Maximum price

{{ trendPricesByPlace.maxPrice }} €/m2

Very high
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Insertion reference

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Date of advertisement


Ref. Property

Cod. rif 3144357

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